Tag: podcast

ceo coach emotional and organizational health

Curating Leadership Ecosystems and Leadership Disciplines | Strategic Advisor and Author Brad Lomenick

I had the privilege of hosting Brad Lomenick —a strategic advisor, author, and former leader of Catalyst—on this week’s podcast. Brad brought a wealth of wisdom about leadership, disciplines, and cultivating an ecosystem for community and growth. In our conversation, we explored: Brad’s insights offer practical tools and deep encouragement for leaders seeking clarity in…
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professional marriage coach

Marriage by the Decade with Dr. Kim from Awesome Marriage

Do you dream of taking your marriage to the next level over the next ten years? I had the privilege of hosting Dr. Kim Kimberling from the Awesome Marriage podcast for a transformative conversation about growing together through the decades. We explored:✅ How to anticipate and navigate changes in marriage✅ The importance of intentionality and…
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executive coach frisco professional coach marriage help

Living a Legacy Life, Generational Wealth, Wisdom for Founders or Business Owners Exiting

Leadership Not by the Book by Bill High and Hobby Lobby CEO and Founder David Green is a paradigm-shifting book. It shifted the way I saw stewardship and a legacy mindset. “Doing your job wholeheartedly, as to the Lord, is most often the first step to greater responsibility and larger influence.” Bill High I was…
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stephen graves ceo coach Fayetteville steve graves strategy session

The Complete Leader: Aiming for B+ Status in a World of Leadership Perfection

Recently on the Whole Hearted Leadership podcast, I was joined by Steve Graves, CEO Coach to have a conversation about building a coaching practice and explore one reason why leaders are over-indexed to be great at everything versus realizing that if you are a B+ leader in every area of your life you are living…
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thrive farmer coffee ceo michael jones atlanta ga coach

Building a Redemptive Community Through Coffee | Thrive Farmers CEO and Founder Michael Jones

Lantz joins the CEO and Founder of Thrive Farmers Michael Jones for a fast-moving conversation about his marriage, redemption story, a story about what a thriving farmer is, and why keeping real success in perspective matters. Thrive Farmers distributes coffee and tea for international brands including Chick-fil-A and Delta Airlines. Thrive Farmers has been recognized…
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