Tag: Leadership

dallas executive coach

How to Finish Well: Four Ways to Know If You Have Lost Heart

Grief has become a great mentor since my father died nine months ago. The lessons, stories, and reflections have allowed me to reflect in greater detail about what I want my life to look like. I recently shared with my wife on the couch one night about how I envision life when I am a…
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leadership coaching and emotional health

A Toyroom, Leadership, and Why Stewardship Matters

It never ends. Stepping over toys. Stepping on toys. Asking them to clean up toys. How do you teach children (your team) to take care of their toys? This is my current strategy. “You have two choices. You can clean up what I have asked you to clean or you can leave them and lose…
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dallas executive coach mckinney sherman denison frisco marriage

How to be a Transformational Leader

We all desire transformation, but few rarely experience a deep level of leadership transformation. It’s the primary reason Jesus expressed that it is easy to clean the outside of the cup than to face deep internal changes (Matthew 23:24-26). No matter what you are leading the future belongs to those willing to choose to be…
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