
A Magic Question Below about Thankfulness

It has been an unusual year and as we turn our attention to Thanksgiving our hearts can easily turn to all the things we have collectively missed out on this year. May you have the peace and courage to move to a deeper place this Thanksgiving and embrace the fullness of life and in the…
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How to build your soul?

The soul is a mystery and overtime I will write about the simplicity and complexity of what the soul is and is not. For now, consider your soul as your entire being. Here are three ways that I have come to understand building the interior of my life which I consider the soul. Finding a…
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How to say no when you are a people pleaser?

One sure fire way to become busy, burnout, and buried by the demands of others is saying yes when you need to say no. There are times when saying yes is critical to your mission, but often times we say yes because we become a slave to someone else’s vision. Let’s be clear. I am…
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