
mens coach

This is the Greatest Threat of Our Time

The greatest threat in the coming days is living in a spirit of fear. (II Timothy 1:7) We are experiencing a new threat to our mental and emotional well-being with a sharp and steady increase in depression, anxiety, suicide, divorce, etc. being at all-time highs. Stop for a minute and consider your current emotions. How are…
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life coaching for men

3 Reasons Men Fail at Relationships with Other Men

Who carries your mat? Did you know that men on average do not add any meaningful friends to their life after the age of 35?  Now consider your current age in relation to this idea. What meaningful male friendship have you added to your life since the age of 35?  There is a similar correlation…
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wholeness in jesus becoming well

Do you want to be well?

Do you want running water during a hard freeze?  Keep the water dripping, they say, it will prevent your pipes from freezing. Not always true when it dips below -0. Frozen pipes lead to busted pipes. Busted pipes lead to a mess.  Do you want clean water?  You need to boil your water until the…
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