
life coaching

3 Ways To Journey Towards a Full Life

What would it be like to journey up a mountainside with Jesus? Stop and ponder the question. Really… What would you talk about on the way up? Would you stop in the valley and consider the flowers growing? Would you meander to the stream and take a cold drink together from the snowcaps melting?  What…
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10 marriage books to help you win intimacy marriage coaching

10 Marriage Books to Build Deep Connection and Intimacy

You can click on book image for a complete description of each book. 10 Ways to a Stronger Marriage by Trey and Lea Morgan Love and War by John and Stasi Eldredge The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch Naked Marriage by Corey Allen Intended for Pleasure by Ed Wheat…
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mens professional life coach lantz howard

What is there not to understand?

The insistent question of young children when going on a road trip and tagging along with the latest crazy idea of their parents.  “Are we there yet?” As parents who know the destination, time, and distance this question becomes an annoyance rather quickly.  This is similar to the season we find ourselves today.  Eleven months…
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