
marriage coach

7 Ways to Elevate Your Leadership and Marriage Today

7 Ways to Elevate Your Leadership and Marriage Today The chaos and complexity that leaders face today can leave one feeling lonely, isolated, and anxious. In the face of confusion, healthy leaders can quickly become unhealthy. The anxious spouse and the noisy customer can cloud your vision. Then when your purpose is unclear you can quickly…
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mens coach

How To Know You Are Headed for Burnout

Did you work 50+ hours this week? 60+? Do you have a mountain of tasks to do at home? Is your wife tired of you coming late? Are you working after the kids go to bed?  Looking for a quick fix or a technical solution to burnout will keep you on an endless treadmill. I’ll let you…
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logan stout id life

Logan Stout: How to Stay in Alignment, Be Present, and Listen to God in Your Marriage and Business

Subscribe at Apple, YouTube, and all other platforms can be found on Anchor. Join this Champion Hope podcast and this curated conversation with Logan Stout. Logan is an avid entrepreneur who has made millions at a very young age, played professional baseball, actively coaches baseball, and has founded several companies, including the Dallas Patriots, and Premier Baseball Academy.…
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