
steward family coach

How to Maximize Your 2022 and Prepare for 2023

Depending on when you read this there are 60+/- days remaining in 2022. Here is how to maximize your 2022 and plan for 2023. One question before you continue. Are you prepared right now to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Stewardship is how you will maximize 2022 and 2023.  A steward is someone that…
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life and leadership coaching lantz howard

What story does a picture tell?

Let me introduce you to Mushanga, but first some context.  We are bombarded with images on an ongoing basis that we rarely take time to process what our eyes are seeing and how it can capture our hearts. Earlier this year I was doing advanced coach training around Coaching the Whole Person and one of the…
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mental and emotional health for leadersship coach

What does it take to have a confident mind?

Everyone struggles with confidence. The most successful military and Olympic athletes struggle. The weekend warrior struggles and the heroic mom.  Recently I finished The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser and thought I would share a few notes I captured that I found helpful. Dr. Nate Zinsser shares stories of military personnel and world-class athletes looking to make progress. In…
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