
leadership coaching

Do this one thing to 10X your goals.

One question every man must ask and answer with ruthless honesty.  Who is in your corner and has access to your life? Every man stewarding his life well has men who know him and are known by him.  Can you name five men right now by name who are holding you to higher standards in…
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dallas texas leadership coach

Eliminate Hurry

God is in no particular hurry to get you to your ‘Promised Land.’ Who you are becoming is his transformational desire along the journey for your good and his glory. What can you say no to right now? May you be a faithful steward of the process today.

leadership coach

Seeking the will of God as a Leader

Seeking the will of God this year in your leadership? Practice a posture of indifference when making key decisions. Often times personal leadership, families, or teams have preferred outcomes to a decision that is already in place and then we casually ask God to be with us in our decision. What if instead, we let…
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