
marriage coaching dallas ft worth mckinney frisco

Three Ways to Fix Your Spouse

I am writing this from a limited view of what it means to be a husband who desires a thriving marriage. You don’t fix your wife. It really is that simple. She is not a problem to be solved, she is a beauty to be pursued. Here are three things that could be helpful to…
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marriage counseling and coaching christian executive coach

The Gateway to Meaningful Intimacy

There is a battle for your heart, your spouse’s heart, and the covenant of marriage. Your heart is under attack. Her heart is under attack. Your marriage is under attack.  Based on my subjective data asking men over the years about 60% of men do not pray regularly or frequently with their wives.  It is time to assassinate spiritual…
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marriage coach dallas forth worth mckinney frisco

The #1 Way to Make Your Marriage Stronger

This one question could change your marriage this year. Ask yourself this question: “Would I want to be married to me?” A mediocre marriage is a direct result of the lack of investment that you have put into your personal, spiritual, emotional, and relational growth as a person.  All growth can start from this one…
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