Making final arrangements for a hiking trip has me thinking about tents. Camping for one versus camping with my family requires different gear. Primarily the difference of taking forever to set up a tent to sleep six people versus pitching a hammock with a rain fly for one person. As men, we are intrigued by…
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The greatest threat in the coming days is living in a spirit of fear. (II Timothy 1:7) We are experiencing a new threat to our mental and emotional well-being with a sharp and steady increase in depression, anxiety, suicide, divorce, etc. being at all-time highs. Stop for a minute and consider your current emotions. How are…
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Who carries your mat? Did you know that men on average do not add any meaningful friends to their life after the age of 35? Now consider your current age in relation to this idea. What meaningful male friendship have you added to your life since the age of 35? There is a similar correlation…
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Do you want running water during a hard freeze? Keep the water dripping, they say, it will prevent your pipes from freezing. Not always true when it dips below -0. Frozen pipes lead to busted pipes. Busted pipes lead to a mess. Do you want clean water? You need to boil your water until the…
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Do you want running water during a hard freeze? Keep the water dripping, they say, it will prevent your pipes from freezing. Not always true when it dips below -0. Frozen pipes lead to busted pipes. Busted pipes lead to a mess. Do you want clean water? You need to boil your water until the…
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Failure of Nerve by Edwin Friedman Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton Atomic Habits by James Clear The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell Linchpin by Seth Godin 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey Rising Strong…
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God of the journey,may you be bothtraveling companionand mountain guideon this, our daily walk;lest unpreparedor ill-equippedour feet should stumbleon uneven ground,or clouds obscurethe destinationthat we so long to see. Author Unknown Source Faith and Worship Need more encouragement? Check out this post 3 Ways to Journey Towards a Full Life
What would it be like to journey up a mountainside with Jesus? Stop and ponder the question. Really… What would you talk about on the way up? Would you stop in the valley and consider the flowers growing? Would you meander to the stream and take a cold drink together from the snowcaps melting? What…
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You can click on book image for a complete description of each book. 10 Ways to a Stronger Marriage by Trey and Lea Morgan Love and War by John and Stasi Eldredge The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch Naked Marriage by Corey Allen Intended for Pleasure by Ed Wheat…
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The insistent question of young children when going on a road trip and tagging along with the latest crazy idea of their parents. “Are we there yet?” As parents who know the destination, time, and distance this question becomes an annoyance rather quickly. This is similar to the season we find ourselves today. Eleven months…
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