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mens life and marriage coach dallas texas leadership

3 Things That Will Take Out the Best Leaders

Are you falling on your own leadership sword? Jump over to the video summary on YouTube. The video offers more depth, insight, and passion.  I finished reading I Samuel this morning and wanted to share three perspectives about why Saul took his own life and made a choice to fall on his sword. There is a battle…
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dallas mens life coach counselor

The War Going on with Ambitious Men

Life has a way of wearing us down. Draining our energy. Making us exhausted.  What do we do when we are tired?  The desire for love and life is not the same. The discipline to train our mind, body, and soul for transformation has been given over to the toxicity of the never-ending pursuit of success. …
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dallas forth worth mens coaching

Is Change Possible? 

Is Change Possible? Yes.  Only to the degree that we are willing to put on a new identity.  The habits and decisions you make are based on the identity that you perceive that you have on the inside.  We get stuck when we are making decisions based on the outside reality.  I had a friend that…
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