Category: Uncategorized

stay aligned with your spouse

7 Questions to Stay Aligned with Your Spouse

Do you struggle in your communication with your wife? Are you having a difficult time staying aligned on the simple task and objectives that you desire to accomplish? Is your home constantly shifting and not staying focused on what is most important to you? For many years we have been working on establishing a weekly…
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john eldredge mental health wholehearted wild at heart

Podcast: John Eldredge on Marriage, Mental Health, Grief, and Living Life with Your Wholeheart

Updated short video of how John overcame the obstacles to writing his most recent book. John Eldredge has been on my nightstand for over 20 years. He has impacted thousands of lives across the world. John leads the Wild at Heart Team to help men and women recover their hearts for life and for Jesus.…
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design your life

12 Questions to Stop Drifting Through Life and Design Your Life with Meaning in the Year Ahead

Hope is a choice. Hopeful people have a direction that points toward their desires, goals, and dreams. In essence, hope shapes your character in an aspirational identity and a story worth living. H.O.P.E – You need to get clear on the house you are building, the obstacles in the way, the perseverance that will be required, and healthy alignment with your ego.

dr john delony mental health expert ramsey solutions

Podcast: Dr. John Delony Mental Health Expert with Ramsey Solutions

In this Champion Hope Podcast episode, we explore how to write a new story, the importance of sleep, nutrition, and establishing the small wins that you do every day that make a difference over time. Dr. John Delony is the Mental Health Expert at the Ramsey Solutions team with Dave Ramsey. You can grab his…
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dr joshua straub

Podcast: Famous at Home with Dr. Joshua Straub

Cultivating an environment of emotional awareness is one of the greatest works we can do, but is often neglected. Today Josh and Lantz share a few ideas about creating a home that is emotionally aware and will be helpful to your family. As Josh says, “The greatest red carpet you will ever walk on is…
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morgan snyder

Podcast: Becoming a King with Morgan Snyder

I am deeply honored to bring to you a man who is living on a path of wholeheartedness and Kingdom living and believes “desire reveals design, and design reveals destiny.” What are you designing? Are you designing a life worth living? What do you desire? Are your desires pointed towards the right destiny? Morgan Snyder…
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meaningful connections

3 Zones of Life to Connect with Others

Odds are that your relationships are not much different than everyone else based on research. You want meaning, connection, and friendships that deeply know you. Generally speaking, after the age of 35 men do not add any meaningful relationships to their lives other than the core two or three friends that were already formed. How…
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champion hope podcast
mens coach

This is the Greatest Threat of Our Time

The greatest threat in the coming days is living in a spirit of fear. (II Timothy 1:7) We are experiencing a new threat to our mental and emotional well-being with a sharp and steady increase in depression, anxiety, suicide, divorce, etc. being at all-time highs. Stop for a minute and consider your current emotions. How are…
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a prayer for the journey life coach for men

A Prayer for The Journey

God of the journey,may you be bothtraveling companionand mountain guideon this, our daily walk;lest unpreparedor ill-equippedour feet should stumbleon uneven ground,or clouds obscurethe destinationthat we so long to see. Author Unknown Source Faith and Worship Need more encouragement? Check out this post 3 Ways to Journey Towards a Full Life

mens professional life coach lantz howard

What is there not to understand?

The insistent question of young children when going on a road trip and tagging along with the latest crazy idea of their parents.  “Are we there yet?” As parents who know the destination, time, and distance this question becomes an annoyance rather quickly.  This is similar to the season we find ourselves today.  Eleven months…
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