Category: Uncategorized

How To Live With Courage in Our Modern Complexities

Each waking moment we are pressed on every side to believe the confusion and chaos that this modern world brings.  You probably caught the headlines or the news last week about Gamestop, Wallstreet, Reddit, and Robinhood. In a battle of the little guys against the big guys otherwise known as how some investors made millions…
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33 Essential Questions that Jesus Ask

What king, marching into battles, would not first sit down and decide with ten thousand troops he can successfully oppose another king marching upon him with twenty thousand troops? (Luke 14:31) What do you want Me to do for you? (Matthew 20:32) What concern is it of yours? (John 21:22) Do you love Me? (John…
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daily prayer wild at heart

The Daily Prayer

My dear Lord Jesus, I come to you now to be restored in you, renewed in you, to receive your life and your love and all the grace and mercy I so desperately need this day. I honor you as my Lord, and I surrender every aspect and dimension of my life to you. I…
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