Category: Uncategorized

a prayer for the journey life coach for men

A Prayer for The Journey

God of the journey,may you be bothtraveling companionand mountain guideon this, our daily walk;lest unpreparedor ill-equippedour feet should stumbleon uneven ground,or clouds obscurethe destinationthat we so long to see. Author Unknown Source Faith and Worship Need more encouragement? Check out this post 3 Ways to Journey Towards a Full Life

mens professional life coach lantz howard

What is there not to understand?

The insistent question of young children when going on a road trip and tagging along with the latest crazy idea of their parents.  “Are we there yet?” As parents who know the destination, time, and distance this question becomes an annoyance rather quickly.  This is similar to the season we find ourselves today.  Eleven months…
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How to Embrace Limitations as a Gift

Long before I knew about Lance Armstrong I can vividly recall being eight or nine years old and putting on my black and yellow striped speedo shorts and telling my mom to time me as I ran out the house and raced my 10-speed road bike around the block.  If we had time by a…
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