Category: Marriage

hard coaching conversations

How to Stay Connected After Difficult Conversation

How To Stay Connected After Difficult Conversations Your spouse and team can see right through the posing and leadership veneer. Are you willing to do the interior work to go to the next level?  In the upcoming video course that you will see below, the foundation of a healthy leader is the calmest person in…
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marriage coaching counseling north texas mckinney

3 Ways to Hold Fast in Your Marriage

I received a message this week asking me to pray for a man, his spouse, and their marriage that was falling apart.  My parents got divorced when I was three and I know the pain that is caused when darkness overcomes a family. It breaks my heart to hear of families and marriages being torn apart. Darkness…
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martial intimacy sex men marriage bed

4 Paths to Greater Marital Intimacy

Years ago I was stuck in a selfish view of marriage and the short-term gratification of what comes to mind when one hears the word intimacy.  In my limited view of being newly married, I believed that intimacy was the end goal of sex.  A common problem that men or couples will ask for help…
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