Category: Marriage

marriage counseling and coaching christian executive coach

The Gateway to Meaningful Intimacy

There is a battle for your heart, your spouse’s heart, and the covenant of marriage. Your heart is under attack. Her heart is under attack. Your marriage is under attack.  Based on my subjective data asking men over the years about 60% of men do not pray regularly or frequently with their wives.  It is time to assassinate spiritual…
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marriage coach dallas forth worth mckinney frisco

The #1 Way to Make Your Marriage Stronger

This one question could change your marriage this year. Ask yourself this question: “Would I want to be married to me?” A mediocre marriage is a direct result of the lack of investment that you have put into your personal, spiritual, emotional, and relational growth as a person.  All growth can start from this one…
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marriage coaching dallas fort worth

Three Steps to Follow for a Passionate Marriage

Three silent killers in your marriage and a script to use for building a passionate marriage tonight. 1) Hard conversations.2) Your desires.3) Listening. What to do instead. Use the following as a simple script. Say it with clarity. Own what you feel. Be calm. Then begin listening. 1) I would like to have a conversation…
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leadership coaching

Do this one thing to 10X your goals.

One question every man must ask and answer with ruthless honesty.  Who is in your corner and has access to your life? Every man stewarding his life well has men who know him and are known by him.  Can you name five men right now by name who are holding you to higher standards in…
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leadership and marriage coaching with lantz howard

The Marriage Stack | 10 Ways to Have a Healthy and Dynamic Marriage

We are a work in progress and after 18 years of marriage, this month here are a few things I have learned. 1. Love is a choice every day. The feelings, emotions, and sexual energy will come and go through the decades. Love is a daily decision that multiplies over the decades. 2. You can…
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emotional leadership health

Four Signs of an Emotionally Healthy Differentiated Leader and Why It Matters in Your Team and Your Marriage

Emotional UnHealth is Stunting the Growth of Your Team and Marriage  The way I steward my own personal emotional health can bring health and healing to emotionally unhealthy systems; ie your company or marriage. I am responsible 100% for my emotions. I am not responsible for others’ emotions. And learning the difference and coaching could be what accelerates your…
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hard coaching conversations

How to Stay Connected After Difficult Conversation

How To Stay Connected After Difficult Conversations Your spouse and team can see right through the posing and leadership veneer. Are you willing to do the interior work to go to the next level?  In the upcoming video course that you will see below, the foundation of a healthy leader is the calmest person in…
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marriage coaching counseling north texas mckinney

3 Ways to Hold Fast in Your Marriage

I received a message this week asking me to pray for a man, his spouse, and their marriage that was falling apart.  My parents got divorced when I was three and I know the pain that is caused when darkness overcomes a family. It breaks my heart to hear of families and marriages being torn apart. Darkness…
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martial intimacy sex men marriage bed

4 Paths to Greater Marital Intimacy

Years ago I was stuck in a selfish view of marriage and the short-term gratification of what comes to mind when one hears the word intimacy.  In my limited view of being newly married, I believed that intimacy was the end goal of sex.  A common problem that men or couples will ask for help…
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professional coach for men

How to Overcome Anxiety and Lead an Adventure

The world seems to be headed for a cliff. Pressure. Death. Grief. Confusion.  This creates overwhelm for all of us. Do you feel it? Anxiety? Tired? Why does this happen? We get off track when we don’t have a clear vision and purpose for the direction of our life. What we often choose to do is allow…
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marriage coach

7 Ways to Elevate Your Leadership and Marriage Today

7 Ways to Elevate Your Leadership and Marriage Today The chaos and complexity that leaders face today can leave one feeling lonely, isolated, and anxious. In the face of confusion, healthy leaders can quickly become unhealthy. The anxious spouse and the noisy customer can cloud your vision. Then when your purpose is unclear you can quickly…
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