Are you feeling guilty about pursuing your desires?

Are you feeling guilty about pursuing your desires?

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In this short article, I reveal two common desires married Christian business owners often struggle with, along with three actionable steps to help overcome them this week.

Why do married Christian business owners feel guilty about pursuing their desires, such as hidden aspirations and a more fulfilling sexual relationship?

Is it possible that, after years or even decades of building a business to accommodate others, you’ve unconsciously adopted a pattern of people-pleasing just to win the deal?

Or perhaps expressing your sexual preferences to your wife feels risky because it exposes an unhealthy attachment to specific outcomes?

There is a way forward for Christian business owners facing these challenges:

  1. Develop the emotional capacity to be authentic about your deepest desires and what’s really happening within you.
  2. Embrace healthy emotional tension that sparks friction—driving growth both in your business and your marriage.
  3. Learn to release your attachment to outcomes and regulate the anxious relational dynamics that play out at work and at home.

Ultimately, it’s not about hidden aspirations or a better sex life—it’s about becoming a wholehearted man who continually challenges himself to grow while leading others to do the same.