Living a Legacy Life, Generational Wealth, Wisdom for Founders or Business Owners Exiting
Leadership Not by the Book by Bill High and Hobby Lobby CEO and Founder David Green is a paradigm-shifting book. It shifted the way I saw stewardship and a legacy mindset.
“Doing your job wholeheartedly, as to the Lord, is most often the first step to greater responsibility and larger influence.” Bill High
I was grateful that Bill said yes to a conversation together. Below is the summary and podcast links.
Bill High joined me on the Whole Hearted Leader podcast and we discussed our personal lives, professional experiences, and how Bill has used the Culture Index to strengthen his marriage. We also explored the challenges families face with a long-term legacy mindset, the influence of thought leaders on their thoughts about legacy and generosity, and the importance of building a business to sustain and not just sell. Lastly, Bill shared his personal experiences, and reflections on life, and encouraged others to reflect on their own life themes and consider how their values can contribute to the greater good.
“I am Bill High, and my heart is for enduring families. I grew up in a broken home, losing my dad at an early age, but through God’s great goodness, I now guide families in creating multi-generational legacy shaped by generosity.
My personal mission is to teach how the ideas of legacy and generosity work together to unite families around a mission and the values that will help them thrive for generations to come.”
Listen to the conversation on your preferred platform and share with a friend.
Whole Hearted Leader | Coaching Conversations with Lantz Howard